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I used to publish a detailed rate card to make life easier for clients trying cost their projects, but I found it actually caused more confusion, since most audio industry professional fees are based on a set of principles, the first of which is that every project is different. So I scrapped the rate card. I still charge the same (I have to. I need to eat!) but the process is now much simpler and more fluid.


My starting fee for any work is US$300 and rises from there depending on the nature of the project. As a benchmark, I quote in US Dollars to clients around the world, and in Pounds Sterling to my domestic clients, but I am happy to provide a quote in a range of other major currencies.


I adhere to industry norms where they are well established. For example, Television and Radio Advertising fees are based on national agreements in which there is a fee both for studio time and for usage. Similar agreements cover the Gaming, Film and Motion Capture industries. I adhere to them all.


Completed projects are normally delivered to you as downloadable files. The choice of audio file is entirely up to you. The default audio file is WAV, but completed work and test reads can also be delivered as AIFF, Flac, MP3 256 or in any combination of those formats. Real-time file transfer via Source-Connect or ISDN is also available for remotely directed sessions. Sessions are always backed up locally.


I both produce and narrate audiobooks. Where full production to publication is required, I charge US$400 pfh. Where I am required only to narrate, the fee is US$250 pfh.


Audiobook recordings can be supplied in a chapter format suitable for Download, CD or both. Please specify at the outset which delivery medium you require as they are subject to different post production criteria. 


If you have specific timing requirements in respect of chapter structure or other details, please let me know at the outset. 


If you wish to receive two completely different Download and CD versions, then a US$250 / £200 surcharge will apply to cover the additional post production required.


Where no instructions are received to the contrary, Audible Inc specifications will be applied as default.

The link will open in a new page. This page will still be available to you.


The link will open in a new page. This page will still be available to you.


While many clients are happy to provide me with detailed project notes, have me self direct and then forward them the finished files via file transfer, others want to get more hands on and direct, or merely be present at, the recording session. To assist them in doing this, I offer a range of options from real-time file transfer via ISDN, Source-Connect or ipDTL to simultaneous talkback options such as Skype or FaceTime. All post session files are sent via WeTransfer.


You decide the format in which your audio file is delivered. You also specify how it is delivered, whether on-line, post session as a download or an upload, or in real time via a high quality router.


To put it even more simply, let me know how and when you want your recordings delivered and I will get them there, on time and in place.


Downloads are via WeTransfer.


Up-loads are to any site you specify.


Real time routing is either by Source-Connect, ipDTL or ISDN.


With the exception of some Audiobooks, projects recorded and edited in-house are normally delivered to you on-line as downloadable files. The default audio delivery format is WAV but AIFF, Flac, MP3 256 or any combination of those formats is also available. 


There is no charge for bouncing and delivering output files in more than one format. 


Remotely directed sessions via Skype or FaceTime are also welcome. In such circumstances, output audio is recorded locally and can either be edited prior to delivery or delivered raw.


Real-time audio routing is available in the following options.


Source-Connect to Source-Connect.


ipDTL to ipDTL.


Source-Connect to ISDN via a Source-Connect-ISDN bridge. ipDTL to ISDN via a ipDTL-ISDN bridge.


If you want to book an ISDN line, please inform me in advance. Line-up information will provided at the time of booking.


I am happy to work on your project without supervision. This is known as 'Self Directing' and is common practice. Simply send me the script by email, accompanied by instructions covering such things as duration, pace, intended audience, and any other pertinent details. I will record it and deliver the file to you via We Transfer. When you receive the file, check it, and if it ticks all your boxes, accept it. You will receive an invoice which, when it is paid, will pass ownership of the recording to you.


From time to time, the initial recording might need to be tweaked. So, I include up to two ‘Pick Ups’ or re-records to make any adjustments required. There is no extra charge for this. 


If you wish to direct a session, you can choose to do so via Skype, FaceTime or similar. A mutually convenient session time will be arranged and contact details provided. This is called 'Patching In".


All post session files, whether self directed or generated during a patch, in are sent via WeTransfer.


"The Devil is in the Detail" Scots Proverb C1500


I make my living as a narrator and storyteller, and at least 50% of the work I narrate is 'long form'. Audiobooks can be anything from a couple of hours in length to sixty or seventy hours for a saga. E-learning projects for companies, governments, universities and other such clients can run into hundreds of hours. In such circumstances, it is difficult to avoid mistakes creeping in, whether due to fatigue or overfamiliarity induced word blindness. I am as prone to these as any. After all, I am only human.


So are authors and writers, and the results often show in some of the manuscripts I receive.


In order to detect and correct mistakes, I employ a professional editor to proof my work. I have been fortunate to work with a number of the best. I now use just one, and yes this is where I have to admit it, I am married to her. So I might be accused of a degree of bias. Thankfully, my business model can't. I pay her the same rates as everyone else. If I don't, she'll go back to working for those clients who do. So, if you think you might have need of an editor, a proofreader or a proofer (and she will be happy to explain the difference between these roles) please follow the link below to her website. 


I value both my own professional integrity and that of my industry. I bring over thirty years of experience and expertise to my work as a voice actor, narrator and full time broadcaster. Nevertheless, I am aware that in an increasingly unregulated marketplace, it is often difficult for clients to separate the chaff from the wheat. I have personal experience of being hired to re-record the work of 'voice artists' who turned out to be anything but, and whose output, whether expensive or at a rock bottom price, proved unusable or simply embarrassingly shoddy. 


So, I work with colleagues around the world to bring and maintain the professional standards of training and service delivery which ensure that clients receive a high quality service and are served by a reliable industry which meets their needs.


I am proud to list my membership of UK Actors' Equity, the Voice Over Network and the Audio Publishers Association.



I have used Fergus the Highland Bull as my avatar for so long now, some have come to see him as my body double. Much as I admire him, I sincerely hope we don't look that much alike. However, in response to a couple of client queries, here are both of us side by side. I am the one who is not him.


Thank you for commissioning me to work on your project. Below I out the different ways in which payment can be made when the project is concluded. While, as indicated below, some methods are favoured over others, please feel free to employ the one which suits you best. Payment via any method is gratefully accepted.


Bank info - domestic


SC: 08-92-49                       

AC: 13491091

NAME: Mr. James A Gillies

BANK: Co-operative Bank plc

ADDRESS: Favat House, Glenrinnes, Moray AB55 4DE


Bank info - cross border


IBAN: GB08 CPBK 0892 4913 4910 91


Account No: 13491091

Sort Code No: 08-92-49

NAME: Mr. James A Gillies

BANK: Co-operative Bank plc, UK

ADDRESS: Favat House, Glenrinnes, Moray AB55 4DE

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